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Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)

Course Length: 

6 Weeks (2 nights/week)


Cost: $100.00


Next Course Start Date: 



Deadline to Register:



*Registration is limited to the first 20 paid applicants. 


This level of training is ideal for those interested in serving their communities with  local volunteer fire departments. This course is also an excellent preparatory course for those interested in taking an Emergency Medical Technician course. See below for more information:


-Emergency Medical Responders provide immediate lifesaving care to critical patients who access the emergency medical services system. EMRs have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate lifesaving interventions while awaiting additional EMS resources to arrive. EMRs also provide assistance to higher-level personnel at the scene of emergencies and during transport. Emergency Medical Responders are a  vital part of the comprehensive EMS response. Under medical oversight, Emergency Medical Responders perform basic interventions with minimal equipment. 

[From the: National EMS Scope of Practice Model]



Subject matter includes:


EMT Operations and Safety                                      
DOT Laws and Regulations                                       Trauma Management
Blood-borne Pathogens/Universal Precautions         Environmental Emergencies
Airway Management                                                  Neurological Emergencies
Cardiac Emergencies                                                 OB/GYN
Medical Emergencies                                                 Infectious Diseases

Course Schedule:
   Class will meet from 6pm – 10pm on Monday and Thursday nights. 


Total Course Hours: 40


Course Fee: $100.00 
        *Course fee is to be paid-in-full when you register for enrollment in the course.


Computer Requirements:
No computer requirements for this course. 



How to apply for enrollment:


  • First, download an application form HERE.


  • Once you have completed the application form, you must deliver the completed form and full payment of $100.00 to us at: 


2106 17th Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401


          **Please note: We will only accept applications and payments on Monday or Thursday evenings from 6pm-8pm.

Northstar EMS Training Academy

2106 17th Ave.

Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

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